Article Policy

Traders Central is created by and for people and we cannot underestimate what we can learn from others around us. If you want to succeed, nothing better than gaining wisdom from those who went through the same path you want to go, to learn from their experience and not repeat the same mistakes. With that in mind, we created a digital library of articles from Traders all across the globe. That means that any trader can quickly write trading tips, explanations about terms and guides to help other members of the community – and be rewarded for that with TCTs – and read what others wrote. These contents are called the Community Articles and here are how they are going to work: 1) Users are free to write anything trading-related and submit the article. 2) Our moderation team will take a quick look and release articles aligned with our Content Policy. 3) Once the article is live, the ecosystem will pay writers a TCT royalty for every like they get on their article. As simple as that.

How will articles be shown? Articles will be shown based on 2 ranking systems:

  • The importance given by other members: the more likes an article has the higher it may appear once searched.

  • Featured articles: those will be displayed at random.

What should I have in mind before submitting an article?

  • Always be respectful: articles are meant to add value to everyone's experience in the community, it's not a place for any format that contains hate speech or involves hateful behavior.

  • Be aware of the content: let's focus on talking about finance to get the best out of this space. Also, users must not incentivize people to misuse the platform's features or functionality.

  • Make sure what you say is accurate: our community is based on trust. For this reason, users take responsibility for the veracity of given information. Users are not allowed to impersonate or falsely represent a brand, entity, or public figure, or share an experience that was not your own.

Thank you for helping us create an amazing community, The Traders Central Team

Last updated