Terms Of Use

Kindly read the terms of service consciously before using the website of Traders Central Fund Corp. Note that the website reserves the right to change these terms of service at any time.


The companies or people (“you” or “users”) are legally bound in a contract with Traders Central Fund Corp. (“we” or “us”) through these terms of service. The companies or people bound with us in the contract are those who have access to use our website on the location www.traderscentral.com, mobile platform, or any related website under the control of our website. Every service provided by or through our website, software application operated by us, related services, products, and content is subject to these terms of use. It is essential to thoroughly read our terms of use and understand them before proceeding to use our website. After agreeing to our Terms of Use for using our website, you will become a part of a legal contract that will have an impact on your rights. To get access to any part of our website, you will first have to agree to be bound to follow our Terms of Use. It also confirms from your side that you have agreed to these terms after carefully reading and understanding. In case of not understanding or agreeing to these terms, you are not eligible to access our website. Moreover, you will not be able to avail of any service offered by our website. You are directed to read these terms of use jointly with the Privacy policy along with other relevant guidelines, rules, and policies present on the website.


The services offered by our website without restriction are as follows; providing a connection between the traders and brokers and backers for capital. Our offered services may change over the period of time. Your consent to use our website shows that you recognize our service appropriated for yourself. We do not provide any kind of guarantee to assure the appropriation of our services for your desired tasks.


We charge for the products or services offered by our website according to the timelines, procedures, and policies present on the website under relevant sections. You are entitled to pay your subscription fee and other fees applicable to you, which may include but are not limited to, transaction processing fee for your account (“Fees”). The credit card you authorize for use under your account will be used to charge all recurring and initial fees. You are responsible for keeping your credit card updated and valid at all times as long as you are using our services. In case of expiry or invalidation of your credit card when charged for due fees, the website reserves the right to block your access to your account. The service providers we use to purchase our plans and process our subscription payments are Paypal and Strip:

PayPal and Stripe:

Before using our website, you should first read and accept the terms and conditions related to the use of third-party payment processors. These guidelines are available on the following websites for Paypal and Stripe: www.paypal.com and www.stripe.com


Trader Central Fund Corp. does not accept payment for its services by cryptocurrency.


To see our latest policies on refunds, please check out our website.


To terminate your agreement to our Terms of Use, you may discontinue using our website at any time.


We will only be liable if we are involved in violation of our defined terms of use. Therefore, you do not have any right to claim for any claim, liability, injury, damages, or any kind of loss as a result of the use of the website. You are responsible for the whole risk associated with the use of our website. We provide the website on an “as available” or “as is” basis, and we do not provide any guarantee, condition, or warranty, statutory, express or implied. Moreover, we do not guarantee an uninterrupted, error-free, or secure use of the website. We will not be liable to any third party or any user for revenue or profit loss due to any special, indirect, consequential, punitive, or incidental damages caused within or outside of the contract. It also does not include the fact that you or the third party was informed about the probability of damage or not. In case of an event where the preceding paragraph is considered inapplicable by law, this paragraph will be inapplicable.


You agree to continue fair activities with Traders Central Fund Corp. along with our shareholders, directors, officers, agents, and employees and compensate for all expenses including disbursement and legal fee and claims against our website resulting from your use of the website, including non-compliance with our terms of use and other relevant policies from your side through the use of our website.


To protect your security, it is your responsibility to keep the passwords and usernames for accessing your account confidential and secure. In case of any unauthorized use of your account, password, or security breach, you should immediately inform us. Although we will scrutinize security breaches on the website, we are not responsible or liable for any unauthorized access or security breaches to your account.


Whether implied, statutory, or express, we deny all claims and warranties, including implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose related to the website.


You warrant and represent that:

i. You have the sovereignty to cohere to these Terms of Use.

ii. You will only use the website for purposes permitted by our Terms of Use.

iii. You will not misappropriate or infringe any user’s or third party’s intellectual property rights or confidentiality through the use of the website.

iv. You will use the website in compliance with all federal, provincial, and local rules, regulations, and policies mentioned on the website. Your use of the website must be only for lawful purposes according to policies, notice on the website, and these Terms of Use. You can provide services to others or use the website on their behalf only after ensuring that you have the authority to do so and ensure compliance with these Terms of Use by the person to whom you are rendering your services.


To use the website, the recommended age for users is above 18. You confirm and represent that you are above 18 years of age. Our website is not targeted, marketed, or promoted for individuals below the age of 18. We do not allow any user below 18 years of age to use the website.


The governing laws for the use of our website and these Terms of Use are in accordance with those in the Province of British Columbia. In case of any controversy, dispute, or claim between the user and Traders Central Fund Corp. related to the implementation or interpretation of the provisions of our Terms of Use, the solution will be derived through binding, confidential and private arbitration. A single arbitrator will conduct this arbitration. Both parties will appoint the arbitrator with mutual agreement. If there is no agreement, a judge will appoint the arbitrator upon the application of Traders Central Fund Corp. or the user. The arbitration will be conducted in the Province of British Columbia unless the parties decide otherwise. The process of arbitration will also be agreed upon by both parties; in the absence of agreement, the arbitrator will decide about it. The Arbitration Act 1991, SO1991, c17 should be followed for the proceeding of the arbitration process. The decision of the arbitrator shall be considered binding and final, subject to any right of appeal. The arbitrator’s rendered judgment upon the award can be entered in any court with jurisdiction.


Your use of the website confirms your agreement on solving any arising conflict between you and us on an individual and private basis instead of addressing the claim to a class or group. You also deny any claim related to the right to participate in or commence any lawsuit against Traders Central Fund Corp. and its affiliates in relevance to any controversy, dispute, or claim resulting from your use of the website. You also agree to stay out of any class proceeding against Traders Central Fund Corp. commenced otherwise. The disputes or claims under consumer protection legislation or any other dispute or claim with a waiver of unenforceable class suit action will not be bound to follow the waiver mentioned above.


a. Amending these Terms of Use:

We reserve the right to amend and update these Terms of Use with time. We may also change our Terms of Use at any time. The amended term of use posted on the website shall be applicable. We will communicate the amendment in the Terms of Use to our users via notifications on the website or email, at our sole discretion. Your continuation of the use of our website will represent your unconditional and immediate acceptance of the amended terms of use irrespective of the fact the amended terms are deemed as material or not.

b. Assignment:

We reserve the right to delegate or assign any part or entire Terms of Use to any entity or individual at any time without taking your consent or informing you. Users do not have any right to delegate or assign any obligations or rights under our Terms of Use without taking our consent in black and white. Any unauthorized delegation and assignment are prohibited.

c. No Waiver:

Any waiver of a right, remedy, or provision of this agreement cannot be operated as a waiver of any other rights remedy, or provision, or even the same right, remedy, or provision in the future.

d. No Agency:

The parties to this agreement or Terms of Use are entitled as independent contractors and not agents or partners. Traders Central Fund Corp. does not have any professional or fiduciary obligations to you or your use of the website.

e. Severability:

In case any part or provision of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid or void by a court of law, other parts and provisions will remain in effect and action.

f. Entire Agreement:

Our Terms of Use along with all relevant guidelines and policies such as Privacy policy on the website composed of the entire agreement between Traders central Fund Corp. and you and take the place of all prior understanding, communications, and agreements, whether oral or written, according to the subject matter of our Terms of Use.


You are welcomed to communicate to us with your queries regarding our Terms of Use. You may send your queries about the Terms of Use at the given email address: legal@traderscentral.com


The additional terms and conditions applicable for the use of the website are as follows: Business hours are 8:30 am to 5:30 pm PST from Monday to Friday. During weekends customer service will be limited. Ensure that you have read and understood all the guidelines, policies, rules, and terms on this website.


Your use of the website confirms that you have thoroughly read, understood, and agreed to enter this agreement by following all policies, rules, and terms on this website.

Effective date: August 5, 2021

Last updated