Community Guidelines

Welcome to Traders Central. We are glad to offer you a space to help boost your financial positioning. When you use our platform, you get a chance to connect with people from all over the world. Our community guidelines are a way of ensuring that all users get a welcoming environment, having safety, diversity, and inclusion prioritized. The Community Guidelines are applied to everyone equally, using a combination of human reviewers and machine learning. What action does Traders Central take for content that violates the Community Guidelines? Our Machine-learning systems help us identify and remove content that violates our policies. Traders Central takes action on the identified content after review by our human safety and integration reviewers. The user will be notified when the content is first identified as a violation and after the action taken by one of our human reviewers. A recurring behavior that violates our Community Guidelines may lead to the temporary or permanent suspension of the account. Hateful behavior Traders Central is a diverse and inclusive community that has no tolerance for discrimination. We do not permit content in any format that contains hate speech or involves hateful behavior. When our algorithms identify this type of content, you will be notified, and the content will be removed. We define hate speech or behavior as content that attacks, or incites violence against an individual or a group on the basis of the following protected attributes: race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, disability, and/or immigration status.

We expect from all users the following behaviors:

  • Communication with courtesy and respect

  • Treatment of others online as you would treat them in real life

  • Tolerance towards others viewpoints; respectfully disagree when opinions do not align

You must apply the behavior above to other users, and also for the community moderators and the Traders Central brand. Remember Traders Central is here for you, and we establish respect as an essential component for a good experience to all parties involved. Violence We do not allow content that promotes, normalizes, or glorifies extreme violence or suffering of humans or animals on our platform. Therefore, individuals or organizations with violent speech or behavior will be notified and, if continued, banned from the community. Illegal activities

We work to ensure our platform does not enable activities that violate laws or regulations.

Illegal activities include theft, assault, fraud, gambling, human exploitation, counterfeiting, promotion of human exploitation, other harmful behavior, and provides instructions on how to conduct criminal activities.

It is also prohibited content related to weapons, drugs, controlled substances, alcohol, and tobacco. Inappropriate content We do not allow nudity, pornography, or sexually explicit content on our platform, including sexual exploitation of minors. Self-harm, and dangerous acts We ensure that our community does not negatively affect the health and well-being of other individuals. Therefore, we do not allow content promoting, normalizing, or glorifying activities that could lead to suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders. If you are struggling with thoughts of self-harm or suicide, or who know someone is, we encourage you to immediately contact local emergency services or a suicide prevention hotline. Impersonation Content or activity meant to impersonate an individual or organization is prohibited. Attempts to misrepresent yourself as a member of Traders Central moderators is a zero-tolerance violation. Misinformation Our platform is not a place for misinformation, disinformation, mal-information or the individuals or groups spreading or creating it. Content that may harm the public's well-being, safety or trust is prohibited, including: public health and safety matters, and conspiracy theories of any sort. In order to know more, check out our Misinformation Policy. Security and access To protect our platform, we ask that you please:

  • Do not modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, or create any derivative products by Traders Central.

  • Do not try to interfere with people on the platform, moderators or networks, to distribute files that contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, or other materials that are malicious or harmful.

  • Do not use automated scripts to collect information from Traders Central.

  • Don’t share your password or let anyone access your account that might put your account at risk. By logging onto the community and activating your profile, you are considered to be in agreement with the terms and conditions listed above. If you come across content or accounts that you believe may violate our Community Guidelines, please let us know so we can review and take appropriate action. Thank you for helping us create an amazing community, The Traders Central Team

Last updated